• Carbon and Digital Footprint App for Free.

    Helping you reduce your CO2 (Carbon dioxide)footprint this app helps and gives you tips to drop your carbon footprint

  • Thinking Too Much Strategy To Complete A Task

    Even before I started looking into “Thinking Too Much Strategy” I came across an article on Forbes about the topic of using too much strategy in completing a task. So what did I gain from the article personally nothing because I just looked at it and know is probably the type of article most people…

  • Block Unwanted Countries Refuse Countries Access To Your Site

    A pro reason to block unwanted countries is to save bandwidth, especially on video sites and music streaming sites but sometimes it can be for security and privacy reasons. Speed up your website and avoid spam when you block unwanted countries. For Example, if you were running services like speed test Ookla but only wanted…

  • 5 Self Care Ideas To Start Becoming Happier

    How one can brighten their day, become more joyful, and appreciate life more through gratitude, exercise, diet, mindfulness, and self-care routines. These are 5 self-care ideas to inspire you to become happier. Why are self care routines important Life is stressful for everyone sometimes, and when things go wrong, it’s best to have healthy ways…

  • Song Sales using Amazing Radio Playlists

    Why Amazing Radio Is Amazing For Devlopers Artists and Listeners What amazing radio says about the audio streaming service How I find Amazing Radio Playlists As A Developer When I started developing a website community for guitarists for co-author Jimmy Fleming and myself. Jimmy had been looking for a way to sell his own music…

  • Some Negative Effects of Oversleeping

    Evaluating the Negative Effects of Oversleeping You need sleep to prevent heart problems and depression and increase your concentration and productivity. But while everyone talks about the dangers of insufficient sleep, people rarely mention how oversleeping affects you. Besides harming your health, sleeping too much could signal underlying conditions. While it’s fine to sleep in…

  • Stressed Eating Too Little Getting The Right Daily Calorie Intake

    Overcoming appetite loss when stressed. Tips for feeling too full after eating very little or just eating too little because you are stressed. Eating too Little Regaining Appetite When Stressed Though binge eating is a typical stress response, it’s not uncommon to lose appetite when you’re anxious. Per a 2015 APA study, 31% of the…

  • Geting More Views And Listens On Your Music

    Getting Increased listening and views with blog posts for musicians. While it would be nice to be the most listened to artist on spotify or other audio platforms. We can’t promise you that but artists who used guitardoor have seen a rise in subscriptions and listeners. Blogging can be more productive for increasing your video…

  • Making Better Creative Writing Story Introductions

    Writing is something that everyone has done before, whether for school, work or for the simple pleasure of it. When it comes to creative writing, however, you notice there are far fewer people who do this line of work. Why exactly is that? What makes creative writing different from other types of work? First of…

  • Advancing Technology Counseling and Mental Health

    Gone are the days when mental health was a taboo subject. With increasing mental health awareness,people are no longer afraid to talk about their addictions and mental illnesses. Mental health plays ahuge role in your overall wellness. For starters, your physical well-being depends on a healthy mind.It’s not uncommon for mental health patients to exhibit…