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Things To Do? Here Are 10 things to Start Doing Now!

  • 7 min read
things to do Mountain landscape French Alps

What stuff to do when staying distant from others?.

Just what things can you start doing now?. When keeping distance there comes a point when you get sick of chit-chatting on social networks. Constantly about when things are going to get back to normal. Then you get motivated a little and start looking for new things to do. Here are 10 things you can start doing now while in Isolation. When looking for lockdown things to do and pass the monotony.

1:Eating and Sleeping Correctly If Possible

One of the first things to do is start eating and sleeping correctly if possible. Getting up mid-morning even afternoon has become commonplace. Lockdowns have most of us eating very poorly or at random times and our sleep quality has deteriorated as our regular daily lives are interrupted and changed dramatically. Start going to bed at the time you used to normally and try waking at the same hour, although sometimes it’s hard at first you can eventually find something to put into your morning routine to fill the time easier.

2:Getting enough exercise and keeping distance.

Just because you have a limit to the distance you can walk does not mean you cant just do laps of your locality. At home, you can always walk up and down the stairs or even lift your sofa up and down for a little weight training. Maybe you can think of some exercises things you can start doing now like push-ups is getting fit one of the things to do that you want?.

3:Start thinking or working on long term goals you can start doing now.

things to do Mountain landscape French Alps
French alps mountain peaks covered with fresh snow. Winter landscape nature scene on beautiful sunny winter day.French alps mountain landscape – null

Even if some plans might not go ahead until we get back to normal or the new normal. Just think is there something that you have always planned on doing like designing your garden. Even if you don’t have the money right now you could one day start picturing that garden and how you would like it to look. Here are 10 apps that can help you plan and design your garden even if you don’t have one it will help you pass time and learn new things about the topic and maybe yourself.

4:Get back Reading the Books you love or find new ones.

So maybe you are one of these people who are looking at blog posts or articles. To find out about “How to I force Myself to Read a Book”. Because you used to spend hours reading books. Now you don’t anymore or you just want to start reading books as a hobby. How about starting off with short stories and mini novels.A good place to find some is Wattpad a story site. You can even write and publish your own book using the service.

5:Dust off the Instrument You Always Wanted To Play or Record Yourself

I don’t think I will be at any stage paying for my guitar skills. Not anytime soon but then again sadly not many musicians will. But that does not mean you can’t play or practice learn new scales or chords. If you want feedback for your recorded music joins SoundCloud or Reddit community about music. Here is my own Reddit makeitmore you can post there. Remember just don’t publish it to the front page unless you think it’s worthy.

6 : Creative Hobbies like Art, Calligraphy, Comic Drawing.

Trust me you don’t want to see my handwriting let alone drawing, but things like artistic drawing cost very little to get started in maybe you have a talent and should give it a try. Today I have just seen some woman who was just this time last year working at a desk and during lockdown, she concentrated on her painting now she earns full-time as a painter. This could be you if you have an artistic gift.

Started doing full-time painting

7:Stop Thinking Everyday is the Weekend in lockdown

While many essential services can still work from home others have no choice but to sit out the lockdown and start to feel the days are paid leave. This can easily make you feel like it’s your spare time and you can easily become unfocused or lazy and get many bad habits like day drinking. Try working on your professional profiles like LinkedIn or your business page.

8:Lockdown things to do with your mental health

Hobbies and Interests can help your mental help but sometimes it’s overwhelming and you can’t cope there are a number of services set up in different countries call them if you are starting to have trouble dealing with the isolation. Don’t be isolated in Isolation there is help out there if online advice does not help a health professional will guide you further in the directions to take.

9:Analyse where you are spending and saving in Lockdown

So are you a lockdown spender or saver? Many are spending wildly in lockdown and much of it is retail therapy to be honest. I have often found myself buying this I did not need even though I had not much more out of just pure boredom. It’s easy to think that a product will fulfill your needs but when you get home with it you realize you didn’t need a potato peeler and had a perfectly good one at home.

Little things like this can really add up especially when it comes to online spending. Spending on apps/games or shopping on sites like You could easily see you could have had a nice holiday with the money you spent. The junk you got during a lockdown. When you account for it all one of the great benefits of electronic spending. Seeing what you bought a year ago. I am more of a cash-type spender myself. So I sometimes don’t know where I spend my money but I generally have a good idea.

10:Make Friends Even Get Rid of the ones you don’t really want in your life

Look I have moved around a lot I lived in a few countries and a few towns and made lots of friends but also the types of friends that drag you down. Friendship is sometimes a situation thing other times it’s a need thing. But friends change or move on as everyone has to in life. You don’t have to fall out or anything you just go your separate ways in life and change. You may also find that people you used to talk to are now interested in things that you can’t stand or find boring or have not changed but you have and your meaning of life in general.

Or you may be friends but not hang out with each other as much anymore for various reasons like I had to move town because I could not find anywhere cheap or suitable enough in the area I was living in a few years ago and I left good friends behind but we keep in touch. On the other hand, I got away from toxic people who I don’t care if never see them again. In a lockdown, I have started talking to people who I knew but we have become good friends even if it’s online or just chatting on the street on my daily walks while distancing.

So how are you keeping distance

What do you want to start doing now have you found lockdown things to do. Maybe you can tell us how you are passing your lockdown days in the comments. Do you any questions tips your may have for readers.