Category: Posts About

  • Surprise people with these 10 what distance facts?

    Surprise people with these 10 what distance facts?

    Interesting facts about distance. There is more to distance than just from a to b here are some distance facts that will surprise people. Distance Facts 10 random facts about Distance Some distances you may find helpful to know surprise people with these what distance facts. Or just get the answer to how far away…

  • Change Pitch Ubuntu App

    Change Pitch Ubuntu App

    An easy-to-use software app for changing the speed of music or voice in Ubuntu. With this software, you can change Pitch Easily in Ubuntu. For various reasons, we might need to time stretch an audio file and the easiest way to do this in Ubuntu is to install Play it slowly. Compared to more advanced…

  • Make someone a Facebook Group Admin Settings 2021

    Make someone a Facebook Group Admin Settings 2021

    Facebook group admin settings to understand before granting admin permissions. Making Someone an Admin of a Facebook Group. To become a Facebook group admin. You will need to access the setting for the group by going to group admin settings Facebook will then allow you to change the people who are members, admins, or moderators.…

  • Things To Do? Here Are 10 things to Start Doing Now!

    Things To Do? Here Are 10 things to Start Doing Now!

    What stuff to do when staying distant from others?. Just what things can you start doing now?. When keeping distance there comes a point when you get sick of chit-chatting on social networks. Constantly about when things are going to get back to normal. Then you get motivated a little and start looking for new…

  • Watching Spending and saving in lockdown

    Watching Spending and saving in lockdown

    Lockdown Spender Or Saver ? In the past year, everything spending and saving have changed. While one group may claim to have less because of lockdowns others are claiming to have more disposable income. Spending and saving activities need to be monitored in lockdown. As you may think you have extra money. Are You Being a…

  • A brief facebook workplace overview

    A brief facebook workplace overview

    Working from home with Facebook Using Facebook Workplace Workplace from Facebook a feature that allows working from home with Facebook workplace. Maybe you are you using or intended to use workplace for your business ?. A few years ago many companies complained about employees using Social media as Facebook at work. Now things have taken…

  • Plugins to know 6 Super WordPress plugins

    Plugins to know 6 Super WordPress plugins

    Super WordPress Plugins that you May not Know. Why you should be using some of them. While there are so many plugins to know. These WordPress plugins are very valuable. Helpful to have installed on your blog but not all are necessary. They can help site navigation, internal linking and security when your theme does…

  • Bad News! How To Get rid of It

    Bad News! How To Get rid of It

    Getting rid of bad news each time you use your computer or internet-enabled devices such as smartphones and tablets. Ways to filter out negative news and get more uplifting positive news. If you just hear bad news you think everything is bad Recently I have been trying to change what I read as I find…

  • JieLi AC46 Bluetooth Speaker and Microphone Google

    JieLi AC46 Bluetooth Speaker and Microphone Google

    The Jieli ac46 is a small speaker with a built-in light. This little speaker packs a powerful sound. JieAC46 Bluetooth Speaker and Microphone Google speaker that lights up. Seems to be no product id and the only way iI got the name JieLi AC46. Was from the drivers I use for the Device on my…

  • Razer Mask lights up Making The Smart Smarter

    Razer Mask lights up Making The Smart Smarter

    Razer smart mast razer N95 Smart Mask Razers N95-Mask lights up and has a built-in microphone. A quick look at the new razer smart mask. A year ago a company like Razer would not have personal protection masks on its product list, but 2020 changed everything for many especially the smart wearables market and companies…