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Being a Better Blogger and Networker

  • 4 min read
Man thinking how to become a better blogger and networker at laptop

How to become a better blogger and networker is a common question for website and blog owners. When people read a top blog normally headed by some marketing guru if easy to think that it is a solo gig. this is not a top blog as I have a habit of not networking with other bloggers. However, I have been doing little commenting on blogs lately as some bloggers think it is not important to start networking with people who make comments on their blogs. People who comment on blogs are probably your best networking creation chances as they most likely have a website or online content.

The Better Blogger Part

Man thinking how to become a better blogger and networker at laptop
Don’t think you are alone on your blog journey Photo by Yan Krukov on Pexels

Creating what is called quality content is a pain sometimes you need to outsource your blog posts even buy blog content. However, sometimes your description of what you want your blog post to be about is a blog post on its own. So creating content is not always a problem when you start to think a little outside the box. Then the research part is another thing you are going through tons of sites trying to find the perfect reference and sometimes this becomes overwhelming.

So what I do sometimes is outsourcing these tasks to other bloggers and writers so the readers get posts and I can work on the other tasks which include updating, reading, and understanding data for new post topics and all the boring admin stuff.

The Better Networker Part

being a better networker
Share each other’s stuff to become a better networker Photo by Tracy Le Blanc on Pexels

I could have lots of content but if I am not promoting it online It will have little chance of being seen on just big search engines like google and Baidu. Even will full keyword optimization scores I will still have a sandbox period of about 6-8 months with a new domain name. So I need to get out there and network with other bloggers and people who may want to have a blog in the future.

This is where we start cross-promoting each other’s blog posts and social media shares. Not to mention brainstorming a few ideas between each other for future blog posts and content promotion.

10 Tips for being a better blogger and networker

  1. Share each other’s posts, Pinterest pins tweets, and other stuff online. Remember if you like your stuff to be shared then start sharing other peoples and not just a-lister stuff.
  2. Find a few decent like-minded bloggers no matter what their domain authority is small blogs have big ideas.
  3. Cross-post videos of friends with YouTube channels and help their videos get found and your blog also there is something in it for both of you.
  4. Also cross-post images, embedded presentations, and other media like SoundCloud audio and podcasts.
  5. If you have the same niche do a podcast or YouTube interview together and embed it on each other’s sites.
  6. Use Google Docs and other services to co collaborate on blog posts this can help you become a better blogger and Networker as you learn from each other.
  7. Questioning each other work privately or publicly in comments. Constructive criticism is fine just choose your words nicely or you may lose part of your network.
  8. Like each other, Facebook posts and pages regularly not just once.
  9. Email post ideas to each other if you would like to read something on each other’s blogs.
  10. Share software and apps that you find productive such as cheaper and more advanced keyword tools.

Where you can see being a better blogger and networker in action

An example of being a better blogger and networker is shown on guitardoor a site I created for a pro guitarist friend of mine where we co collaborate. I do a lot of the admin and data stuff and he just plays his guitar and writes about his music. We share each other’s content and see more visitors to each other’s sites. Jimmy is well used to co-working with others but in the music industry here is a tune of his cradelhead where he is playing with another guitarist. So why use working with other bloggers to sound as sweet as this tune and become a better blogger and networker.

1 thought on “Being a Better Blogger and Networker”

  1. Hi Chris, Great post I should definitely do this a lot more. I know we swap comments every once in a while and you even guest posted for me but definitely, I should take this onboard more. Congratulations on another great post I will have to come back and check out a couple more of your new ones soon as well,

    Best regards;


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