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Overlooking Visitor Traffic Acquisition Strategies On New Blogs

  • 7 min read

When you start a blog one thing you will want is visitors. Traffic Acquisition Plans seems to be is the best way to attract “as many visitors as possible”.

However, planned traffic acquisition strategies are vital for the growth of a blog in the long term. In this post, we will look at the acquisition strategies that are used to get traffic to a new blog and the end goals.

In this post, I am using Data from my own sites and a few others. This is using Traffic Acquisition From Google Analytics and Google Search Console. The data used is realistic for a one-month to 8-month-old blog.

Before you start pushing traffic to your site to-do list.

Have content at least 10 blog posts or pages. Nobody wants to visit an empty blog if you can’t write content quickly enough consider buying blog content if you must get a professional writer.

Check the grammar and spelling of your landing pages and the wording of your blog posts

Have a call to action if needed this could be just a follow on Facebook or subscribe to this blog action and other website goals.

Have a decent visitor tracking tool like Google Analytics installed on your site to track your visitors and see user behaviors like page views and time on site.

Test your site with tools like Gtmetrix and page speed insights for a good user experience with page load times.

Short Term Visitor Traffic Acquisition Strategies like PPC and Social Media Shares.

If you want instant traffic you can use a pay-per-click advertising network like Taboola or low-paying google AdWords keywords to drive traffic to your site in the short term. This is when I shared something for a new site on social media and as you can see 3 visitors at once is quite good for a brand new blog less than a month old and they are also from native English-speaking countries. This is an ideal visitor profile if the numbers were much higher. If this was traffic from a PPC campaign the numbers would be around 80 visitors at any given moment however if they are not targeted traffic it would cost much money. Also with advertising, it is important to use filtering of locations, devices and use some form of click fraud prevention for Adwords and other advertising networks.

User growth
Short term traffic to a site from social media

In just a few weeks we boosted our social media posting by finding relevant groups and had reached over 100 Visits using our Social Traffic Strategy.

By the end of the day, the site had acquired more visitors with the active user’s overview reporting a big increase as you will see in the next section.

Mid Term Visitor Traffic Acquisition

The same site again but over a longer period of time. The image below is a monthly active users overview report which shows 7-day growth. The numbers are still low but I am being realistic here and not using bloated traffic figures to impress and sell you some useless product from Clickbank. As you can see there has been a substantial growth rate over the past 7 days. This is where you start looking into ways to drive traffic over weeks not hours. With these numbers I can see what I am doing is working but the methods are time-consuming and costly in the case of advertising if the user experience and engagement are not working for visitors.

Monthly Growth for a new site.

Analyzing Long term growth and visitor acquisition is the best way to increase traffic.

While useful information and data are provided in Google Analytics. It is not the best tool from Google to help you gain insight into your long-term growth. For looking into a strategy for this you need the data from the Google search console. This is an image of long-term growth in search console for another site of mine which has started to come out of the sandbox as it’s over 6 months old and has more content added to it.

Coming out of the sandbox is a slow process

In the first 3-5 months just focus on creating content for your blog and setting up social media and other accounts. You are not going to get much traffic from search engines in this period as it’s a trust issue with Google. As you can see there is a growth spike between April and June for this site. This is where all your hard work starts showing signs of progress. Now you have to work on the next step. This means boosting ranking for your keywords with keyword position data. Have a look at this graph for a long-term growth solution with the lowest ranking keyword first.

long-term growth solution with the lowest ranking keyword first
Sorted from lowest ranking keyword data

So the lowest ranking keyword is in position 337 and has only one impression should you ignore it or start working on a way to boost its position in search?. This depends on the keyword value of your site would it be worth it to boost the keyword position or is there too much competition the choice is yours. But there is no instant solution to getting long-term traffic to your site SEO is a long painful ongoing and everchanging process. Use any data you can to help increase user engagement and good luck with Visitor Traffic Acquisition Strategies that you may use so I am finishing up with a list of tools that may help you with your Visitor Traffic Acquisition Strategy.

Looking At User Engagement Times To See If A Strategy Is Working

The same site a few weeks later where we were using a short-term visitor strategy with social media sharing. Here you can see which posts were performing and how many views to expect.

Looking At Visitor Engagement

Recommended Online Services SEO Tools and WordPress Plugins.

User Experience


Page Speed Insights

SEO Tools

Pick one and stick with it don’t waste the free trials as the pro versions are expensive





WordPress Plugins

Link Whisper Suggest Links to build site structure for a better user engagement

Revive Social can automatically post to multiple social media accounts on autopilot and republish old blog posts.

Rank Math for SEO but it is not for all sites as I disabled rank math and actually seen an increase in traffic to another site I manage. Here is a guide to rank math if you wish to know about all the rank math features.

See more recommended plugins for WordPress.

Thoughts Feedback and Your Reccomendations for Visitor Traffic Acquisition Strategies.

Do you wish to know more about any of the topics mentioned here in this post just comment? Maybe you can recommend some strategy that is working for you in gaining visitors to your website. Thanks for reading and consider sharing this article on social media.